Acoustic products

ACUSTIMODUL-80A - Acoustic cabins
ACUSTIMODUL-80A - Acoustic cabins

Acustimodul 80 panels range are used for the installation of acoustic cabins, booth and barriers for the soundproofing of all ...


Acustimodul 80 panels range are used for the installation of acoustic cabins, booth and barriers for the soundproofing of all ...


Pressed recycled rubber panel for vibration and impact noise insulation. Especially suitable for the construction of floating ...


Presentation Resistive silencers with parallel cells, designed for noise reduction in ventilation and air conditioning systems. ...

ACUSTIART - Acoustic Clouds
ACUSTIART - Acoustic Clouds

Acustiart panels are components for the construction of absorbent volumetric surfaces as deflectors, acoustic islands or acoustic ...

RS10 - 54 dB
RS10 - 54 dB

The RS range of acoustic doors designed and manufactured by Acústica Integral meets all market requirements. These are certified, ...


The acoustic panels in the Acustimodul-80RA range with reinforced insulation are used for the construction of acoustic cabins ...


PresentationAcustiart-C panels are components for the construction of absorbent volumetric surfaces as deflectors,acoustic islands ...


 Acustisol is a material aimed for the absorption of vibrations, as well as for impact sound insulation. It is composed of an ...


Rectangular modular silencer with fixed dimensions made of perforated pieces of absorbent material and metallic covering. ADVANTAGESTheir ...

RS3 - 51 dB
RS3 - 51 dB

Acoustic metal door from the RS range, made up of approved high-performance acoustic doors with certified insulation. Own manufacture. FEATURES Professional ...

RS5C - 46 dB
RS5C - 46 dB

Metal acoustic door of the RS range, consisting of acoustic doors approved for high performance and certified acoustic insulation. ...

LA - Insulating and damping acoustic sheet
LA - Insulating and damping acoustic sheet

EPDM synthetic rubber composite material, flexible and heavy, which provides it with the physical characteristics suitable for ...

SR - Acoustic louvers
SR - Acoustic louvers

Acoustic louvers of reduced depth, designed for noise attenuation in ventilation openings. Formed by an outer casing made ...


Acustiart Digital is an absorbent panel, like a painting, which allows the digital printing of images on the finishing fabric. ...

RS9 - 48 dB
RS9 - 48 dB

Acoustic metallic door from the RS range, composed of certified high-performance acoustic doors. Own manufacture. ADVANTAGES Professional ...

RS7 - 37 dB
RS7 - 37 dB

DescriptionMetal acoustic door of the RS range, consisting of high-performance doors with certified acoustic insulation. Own manufacture. FeaturesAcoustic ...

RS7 - 37 dB
RS7 - 37 dB

Description Metal acoustic door of the RS range, consisting of high-performance doors with certified acoustic insulation. Own ...


Circular silencers with a cylindrical shape made of mineral wool absorbent material covered with perforated sheet metal and with ...


Rigid mineral fibre panel for absorbent treatment of ceilings. Installation on exposed aluminium profiles. High resistance and ...


The PKB-2 insulating compound combines a polymer-based layer together with a porous material sheet made of textile fibers. ADVANTAGESIt ...

RS8 - 43 dB
RS8 - 43 dB

Metal acoustic door from the RS range, consisting of acoustic doors approved for high performance and certified insulation. ...


Circular silencer made up of perforated sheet metal nucleus muffler surrounded by a cover and flat sheet metal walls. The space ...

RS5 - 46 dB
RS5 - 46 dB

The RS range of sound insulating doors, designed and manufactured by Acústica Integral, are acoustically engineered to ...


Acústica Integral offers the possibility of incorporating lights or LED’s into the Acustiart sound absorbing panels. This ...

Acoustic viewers VRC-VRCS
Acoustic viewers VRC-VRCS

Acoustic viewer specially designed to be assembled in booths and enclosures made with Acustimódul-80 modular system.The viewer ...


Decorative absorbent panels to improve the acoustic comfort of rooms. Specifically designed for insertion in suspended ceiling ...

RS4 - 42 dB
RS4 - 42 dB

The RS range of acoustic doors designed and manufactured by Acústica Integral meets all market requirements. These are certified, ...


Impact sound results in noises, which are generated by direct contact with the floor, for instance when moving a chair or walking ...

RS5FS - 41 dB - EI₂60
RS5FS - 41 dB - EI₂60

Presentation The RS range of acoustic doors designed and manufactured by Acústica Integral meets all market requirements. These ...


Acustiart Curve are panels with identical characteristics as the Acustiart although with a slight curvature ideal to build absorbent ...


Presentation Modular absorbent panels for acoustic absorption and treatment. All kind of multi-use rooms both for ceilings and ...


Special elastic support for multi-layer systems to insulate vibration flow in the building’s main structure. ADVANTAGES To ...


The Audio Cabins of Acústica Integral provide the appropriate acoustic atmosphere both regarding insulation and acoustic treatment ...

RS6 - 38dB
RS6 - 38dB

Metal acoustic door of the RS range, consisting of high-performance acoustic doors with certified acoustic insulation. Own manufacture ADVANTAGES Acoustic ...


Absorbing baffle with industrial aesthetics to improve the acoustic comfort of all types of enclosures. Designed to be suspended ...

RS-HA - 31 & 44 dB
RS-HA - 31 & 44 dB

Large acoustic sectional doors. Standard and made-to-order. ADVANTAGES Take full advantage of the wide area available. Do ...


Specifically designed to separate areas with different ambiances within the same environment. Significant ambient noise reduction ...

RSR - 37dB
RSR - 37dB

The range of RS acoustic doors designed and manufactured by Acústica Integral respond to market demands. They are homologated ...


Product currently under design review. If you are interested, please contact our sales department for delivery ...


Description Decorative absorbent cylinder to improve the acoustic comfort of spaces. Designed for suspended mounting as a baffle. Advantages Easy ...

RS3-XL - 49 dB
RS3-XL - 49 dB

The range of RS3-XL acoustic doors designed and manufactured by Acústica Integral responds to market demands. They are certified ...

VR - Acoustic Windows
VR - Acoustic Windows

PresentationAcoustic vision panel with a double independent frame, which can be adapted to any wall thickness. In its standard ...


Acoustic baffles made of two Acustec-N19 panels. Finished with an aluminium perimeter profile. Ceiling fastening system using ...

Special RS
Special RS

TAILOR-MADE SOLUTIONSOur technical team can develop non-standard solutions to meet the specific needs of each project. ...

RS Accessories
RS Accessories

Circular Viewer For RS range doors. Double glazing with absorbing chamber. Span Ø 492 mm. Rectangular ...


Acoustic absorbent decorative material made of melamine fibre finished with fabric. Available in two sizes. ADVANTAGESImprovement ...


DescriptionDecorative absorbent block to improve the acoustic comfort of spaces. Self-supporting. Designed for mounting on any ...


Acoustic absorbent decorative material composed by melamine fibre finished in fabric. ADVANTAGESImproves the absorbent response ...


Acustiart-S absorbent acoustic clouds can be manufactured with special shapes for the creation of volumetric absorbent surfaces. ...


Acustifiber is an acoustic absorbing material used to eliminate sound reflections. It is composed of polyester fiber ideal for ...


Acustifiber F40 is an acoustic absorbing material made of polyester fiber, ideal for the soundproofing of walls or ceilings. Sound ...


These are self-supporting structures that can be installed in all kinds of rooms. Their function is to eliminate unwanted reflections ...


Controlling a low frequency sound is more complex than controlling a high frequency sound. When bass frequencies bounce around ...


Color chart that applies to finished fabric for absorbent materials. We note that: There may be differences between the colors ...

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