Decorative acoustic treatment in a restaurant
Acoustic treatment in a restaurant

The typical case of a restaurant with a design regarding interior finishes that do not favour the acoustic conditions of the premises, as they are hard, not very porous materials and the absorption of the noise generated inside is almost inexistent. This favours for the noise generated by the restaurant's user to amplify because the sounds generated by the guests themselves and the reflections that take place on the floor, ceiling and walls are added.
To compensate this acoustic effect, the client contacted Acústica Integral, which, after analysing the problem, reached the conclusion that the best way to reduce the effects of the lack of absorption and to integrate elements that match the decoration of the premises, would be to use Acustiart type absorbent elements by Acústica Integral.
It was decided together with the client to apply a design regarding size and colours that matched the aesthetics of the premises. Absorbent systems will be installed on the ceiling, by means of white rectangular Acustiart panels, so that they stand out against the black background of the ceiling. A Collage type design was chosen for the walls, generating a visual effect combining different sizes, thicknesses and colours.
The aesthetic possibilities of Acustiart become infinite for this type of applications, and it is the client who establishes the aesthetic objectives, according to the absorbent acoustic requirements of the premises.
Acústica Integral performed the absorbent treatment in a restaurant that had an excess reverberation with Acustiart absorbent or acoustic panels. We must take into consideration that the acoustic environment in the catering sector is a parameter that is increasingly more important, as can be the quality of the food and the attention received. The absorbent treatment of a restaurant with acoustic panels is a suitable method for this type of premises because it is not very invasive. The acoustic panels can be aesthetically integrated into any environment, without them entailing a disturbance for the decoration, as they can be installed without having to perform any works or refurbishment. They can be installed on smooth ceilings, accessible ceilings, modular ceilings, etc. thanks to the steel wire hanging system and fixing systems adapted to the base element receiving the fixing. The possibility of being able to separate the acoustic elements from the existing ceiling ensure a wider frequency response and achieve for the absorption to work properly for each type of voice.
The result after the treatment enables maintaining conversations at very low levels, facilitating the privacy between the diners, and enabling to enjoy a complete and satisfactory experience, for all the senses.