Noise problems
How many times have we asked ourselves if that business, that machine or that industrial premise near our home is generating a disturbing noise level that may be failing to comply with the current noise regulations?
Very frequently we are not aware of our rights regarding the noise levels generated by the different sources of noise around us, and that there are acoustic regulations that enable us to take actions to be exposed to lower levels of nose than those to which we are exposed at the moment. Where should I go to reduce the degree of noise that I am now exposed to? Who are the professionals that can help me? Can the disturbance be reduced or disappear?

Obviously, all these questions have a clear answer: noise experts are professionals who will help for these problems to be reduced to values that do not cause a disturbance.
We must know that there are regulations: local, community, national and international. These regulations establish the noise levels permitted to the noise emitters, in the different time frames (day, afternoon and night). People often think that we can make as much noise as we like during the day and that we must only be careful at night, yet this is not true. The sound levels that can be emitted during the day, afternoon and night, are regulated.
Acústica Integral, which has been developing its task of controlling noise within the different sectors for more than 25 years, provides a global solution to be able to assess, analyse, treat and certify any problem of noise and vibrations that may arise.
The process to follow is always based on the analysis by acoustic engineering. As from the evaluation of the problem, different strategies can be developed to control the emission of disturbing noises and therefore achieve e objectives described in the applicable noise regulations. From the noise measurements in octave and one-third octave bands of the sources of noise, we can obtain the sound spectrum emitted.
With these values, the acoustic emission of the source has been defined. Analysing the form of the source (directivity of the acoustic emission) and its environment, we can provide enough information to establish a calculation model that enables us to conduct a study of the possible solutions to control the noise generated. When the acoustic treatments that can be implemented have been determined, Acústica Integral can install the different elements for the acoustic treatment of the source. After installing the acoustic treatments, the result obtained can be evaluated with a measurement and it can be verified if the criteria established by the applicable regulations is met.
Acústica Integral provides all kinds of acoustic materials for the application to the different types of noise: absorbent materials, insulating products, enclosures and booths, doors and visors, and silencers.
Depending on the noise problem, the sound level and the sound spectrum generated by the source, different solutions can be applied with the materials following a strategy according to the criteria to be met in each case.

What process should we follow to solve
a noise problem that may be affecting us?
The process to follow can be divided into several well differentiated phases:
- Call the experts in noise control to explain our problem. Acústica Integral.
- Acústica Integral will evaluate the noise problem and pay a visit to the disturbing installation to determine the course of action to follow.
- Acústica Integral will propose the client to conduct an acoustic study, and if approved, through its engineering department, it will perform the corresponding acoustic measurements to be able to assess the sound spectrum of the source or sources generating the disturbance, as well as establish a map of the situation of the problem to assess the type of study and calculation tools to use in order to study the solutions.
- When the study of the acoustic solutions has been performed and the materials to be used have been defined, Acústica Integral will prepare a budget of the solutions proposed for the approval by the client.
- When the budget has been approved, Acústica Integral will install the acoustic solutions defined in the project of acoustic solutions.
- Finally, the engineering department will carry out the work completion certification measurements, so that the compliance of the project's objectives can be verified.
As we can see, the appropriate way of solving a noise problem is based on the previous analysis by the engineering department and on performing the acoustic measurements. This is the only way of ensuring the compliance of the objectives established and agreed with the client.