Acoustic treatment for multipurpose room –Town Council of Gran Canaria

Large premises and adjacent areas have associated many acoustic defects that we must correct with absorbent materials that enable us to reach appropriate reverberation time values, to develop multiple activities. We must take into account that the effects of the increase of reverberation time due to the inexistence of absorbent acoustic surfaces on the floor, ceiling and walls, cause a very notable degradation of the parameters necessary for the oral communication between speakers and listeners. We must also consider the loss of word intelligibility due to the degradation of the messages emitted in an environment with a very high reverberation time.
Acústica Integral provides suitable acoustic materials for these type of treatments. Thanks to its high decorative finish and variety of sizes and shapes, it can adapt to any aesthetic and correct problems caused by the lack of absorption on surfaces.
Performing a prior analysis based on "on site" measurements we can find out the reverberation time of the premises and determine what frequency bands are being affected, because the reflections on surfaces with little absorption do not attenuate the sound. Once the acoustic objectives and the frequency bands that must be corrected have been established, the different types of materials that we must use are determined to perform the reverberation time control of the premises we are studying.
In this case it is a large room located in the Town council of Gran Canaria intended for a multipurpose activity (meeting room, exhibition room, fairs, etc.) The initial analysis of the reverberation time reached values of around 5.5 seconds, totally inappropriate for the type of activity to be developed in the premises.
To analyse possible solutions to the problem, a 3D model of the premises was made, adjusted for the initial characteristics without treatment, and the different options were studied; reaching the conclusion that the necessary treatment will be based on the installation of acoustic islands, specifically 90 units of Acustiart on ceiling colour Titanium of 100 x 500 x 50 mm. and 33 units of Acustiart colour Cherry of 1500 x 1000 x 50 mm.
With this acoustic treatment the intention is to reduce the reverberation curve to a value of 1.4 seconds. The reduction achieved is very notable and adapts well to the type of activities that are going to be held in the room. Great satisfaction on behalf of the client.

Project: Absorbent treatment in multipurpose room for the Town council of Gran Canaria.
Ref: S04BC1600150
Sector: Construction. Offices, meeting rooms, exhibition rooms.
- Acustiart.
- Installation on ceiling and walls.
- Suspension through support kit for ceilings.