Acoustic Enclosure Refrigeration Equipment

The solution presented in this project is an acoustic Cabin or a large acoustic Enclosure for the insulation of the noise caused by cooling/air-conditioning equipment and generator set located on the rooftop / terrace of a large hospital complex.
In hospitals the health services work 24h, every day of the year, emergency services, dispensary, consultations, etc.
The air-conditioning support of the hospital complex has to offer climate comfort without interruption. This means that all the machines are continuously working non-stop even at night and on holidays.
The noise caused by the air-conditioning machines in buildings can become a serious problem. The noise generated by these installations is projected over the nearby or adjacent buildings. The criteria to install an acoustic barrier or enclosure depends on multiple parameters linked to the geometry that relates the sources and the receivers, as well as the acoustic characteristics of the acoustic systems in change of controlling the sound emission levels of the annoying sources of noise. The emitter-receiver distance, the relation of heights and the geometry of the nearby objects, will play a decisive role in the type of acoustic solution that we must apply at each time. In order to be able to guarantee an optimum solution it will be necessary to perform an acoustic study of the environmental impact, that enables us to effectively evaluate the sound emission levels of the sources of noise (characterised by their sound spectrum), and the way in which the noise projects itself over the receivers it could disturb. This will allow us to determine if we must install barrier type acoustic solutions or complete acoustic enclosures.
Acoustic barriers are an obstacle between the noise source and receiver, enabling a natural ventilation of the machinery as the acoustic ceiling is not installed. In the case of the enclosures, the technical requirements of the machines are directly modified as all the sources of noise are completely enclosed and the machine has to ventilate by means of acoustic silencer systems.

To be able to perform acoustic barriers and enclosures, Acústica Integral has developed a range of acoustic panels suitable for these requirements. According to the degree of insulation required we provide the following panels: Acustimodul80A and Acustimodul80RA (reinforced panel).
The panels are modular and of easy handling and assembly, and can adapt to any type of case or situation that may arise, regarding shape or size, as their versatility in the assembly make these type of panels an optimum system to perform this type of acoustic installation solutions for air-conditioning or generator set machinery.
Air conditioning or generator set machinery require the inlet and outlet of air for different applications. Room ventilation, air flow inlet and outlet for machinery operation, etc. In any case, all the elements that involve the perforation of the insulating walls, require the installation of acoustic silencers, which depending on their characteristics and design will enable the inlet or outlet of air, without losing acoustic insulation. The acoustic silencers will be defined according to the air flow that goes through them, the loss of load allowed by the air impulsion or absorption fans and the speed of the air passing through the silencer.
The attenuation of the silencers will be defined by their length, and it will be essential for its degree of insulation not to be lower than that of the element it is perforating, so that the mixed acoustic insulation of the set does not allow for the weakest insulation to be affected. Acústica Integral has developed a wide range of silencers that enable adapting to any assembly requirements: SNA acoustic silencers, SR acoustic grids, SNC and SNN Cylindrical Silencers.

Both in acoustic barriers and enclosures it is necessary to be able to enter and exit the areas made around the machines. This entails that hermetic acoustic systems must be installed that enable performing this function. To achieve this objective, acoustic doors are installed which are acoustic elements that must maintain an adequate acoustic insulation when these are closed. Acústica Integral has developed a range of acoustic doors adapted to their installation on panels, achieving acoustic insulation values in the same range as the panels and the acoustic silencers. These doors may adapt to the requirements of the installation regarding size, number of leafs, accessories, etc. The RS5C of 46 dB and RS7C models by Acústica Integral are suitable for this type of installations.
Project: Acoustic enclosure for Coolers, air-conditioning machines, generator sets.
Ref: S04BC1301137
Sector: Construction.
- Absorbent-insulating acoustic panel Acustimodul80A of 32 dB.
- SNA acoustic silencers
- Acoustic doors RS5C of 46 dB.